Cisco Umbrella

Cisco Umbrella uses the internet infrastructure to block malicious destinations before a connection is ever established.

Cisco Umbrella configuration

You can find how to configure this service by following the official documentation on its official website. Furthermore, it is mandatory to configure that the logs generated by this service would be exported to an S3 bucket. You can find how to do that in the log management section of the official documentation.

Wazuh configuration


It is required to append the type of logs inside the path tag as in the next example. dnslogs, proxylogs, and iplogs are currently supported. Each one requires to be defined in an independent bucket tag.

  1. Open the Wazuh configuration file (/var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf) and add the following block (this example is for dnslogs and proxylogs, it is not required to add both):

    <wodle name="aws-s3">
      <bucket type="cisco_umbrella">
      <bucket type="cisco_umbrella">


    Check the AWS S3 module reference manual to learn more about each setting.

  2. Restart Wazuh in order to apply the changes:

    • If you're configuring a Wazuh manager:

      # systemctl restart wazuh-manager
    • If you're configuring a Wazuh agent:

      # systemctl restart wazuh-agent