Virtual machine

Wazuh provides an automated way of generating a Virtual machine in OVA format that is ready to run a Wazuh manager and ELK.

To create the virtual machine follow these steps:


Download our wazuh-packages repository from GitHub and go to the ova directory.

$ git clone && cd wazuh-packages/ova && git checkout v4.3.11

Execute the script, with the different options you desire.

$ ./ -h
General usage: [OPTIONS]
  -r,    --repository       [Optional] Select the software repository [prod/dev]. By default: prod
  -s,    --store <path>     [Optional] Set the destination absolute path where the OVA file will be stored.
  -c,    --checksum         [Optional] Generate checksum [yes/no]. By default: no
  -g,    --debug            [Optional] Set debug mode on [yes/no]. By default: no
  -h,    --help             [  Util  ] Show this help.

The options for the repository indicates whether the packages used to install Wazuh are the production ones or not.

  • prod: The OVA uses released packages.

  • dev: The OVA uses pre-release packages.

Below, you will find some examples of how to build a Wazuh virtual machine.

# ./

This will generate a Virtual machine with the Wazuh manager 4.3.11 and ELK 7.10.2 installed using production packages.

# ./ -r dev

This will generate a Virtual machine with the Wazuh manager 4.3.11 and ELK 7.10.2 installed using development packages.