
Wazuh provides an automated way of building a solaris 10 and 11, keep in mind that to build these packages you must use the corresponding system.

To create an Solaris package follow these steps:


  • Git

Download our wazuh-packages repository from GitHub and go to the solaris directory of the 4.1 branch.

$ git clone && cd wazuh-packages/solaris && git checkout 4.1

Choose the version of solaris you want to build the package for and go to that directory.

Execute the script to build the package. Here you can see all the different parameters:

# ./ -h
Usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

    -b, --branch <branch>               Select Git branch or tag.
    -e, --environment                   Install all the packages necessaries to build the pkg package.
    -s, --store  <pkg_directory>        Directory to store the resulting pkg package. By default, an output folder will be created.
    -p, --install-path <pkg_home>       Installation path for the package. By default: /var.
    -c, --checksum                      Compute the SHA512 checksum of the pkg package.
    -h, --help                          Shows this help.

Below, you will find an example of how to build a Solaris package.

First install the needed dependencies:

# ./ -e

Download and build the sources:

# ./ -b v4.1.5

To build a SPARC package you just need to run the same script in a SPARC system.

We also provide an automated way of building packages for i386 Solaris systems using vagrant, to use this download our wazuh-packages repository from GitHub, change to the desired branch or tag depending on the version you want to build and go to the solaris/package_generation directory.


  • Virtual Box

  • Vagrant

Bring the machine up vagrant [OPTION] ... up solaris10/solaris11/both:

# vagrant -h up

    vagrant [OPTION] ... up X
    To bring up a Solaris machine, X must be solaris10 or solaris11 or both.

    vagrant [OPTION] ... ssh/provision/delete

    vagrant --branch-tag=v4.1.5 --ram=1024 --cpus=4 up solaris10 solaris11

    -h, --help:
    Show help

    --branch-tag x, -b x:
    Generate package for branch/tag x

    --ram x
    Select the amount of ram assigned to the new machine.

    --cpus x
    Select the number of CPUs assigned to the new machine.


Usage: vagrant [options] <command> [<args>]

    -v, --version                    Print the version and exit.
    -h, --help                       Print this help.

Below, you will find some examples of how to build a Solaris package using this tool.

# vagrant --branch-tag=v4.1.5 up solaris10

This will generate a 4.1.5 Wazuh agent package for Solaris 10

# vagrant --branch-tag=v4.1.5 up solaris11

This will generate a 4.1.5 Wazuh agent package for Solaris 11

# vagrant --branch-tag=v4.1.5 up solaris10 solaris 11

This will generate a 4.1.5 Wazuh agent package for Solaris 10 and Solaris 11

After the process has ended the package will be stored in the src folder.

To finish destroy the machines:

# vagrant destroy solaris10 solaris 11