Upgrading the Wazuh manager

This section describes how to upgrade the Wazuh manager to the latest available version. When upgrading a Wazuh multi-node cluster, it is recommended to update the master node first to reduce server downtime.


Root user privileges are required to execute all the commands described below.

To upgrade the Wazuh manager, choose your package manager and follow the instructions.

  1. Import the GPG key:

    # rpm --import https://packages.wazuh.com/key/GPG-KEY-WAZUH
  2. Add the repository:

    # cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/wazuh.repo << EOF
    name=EL-\$releasever - Wazuh
  1. Clean the YUM cache:

# yum clean all
  1. (For upgrades from version 3.13.3) Remove the Wazuh API:

# yum remove wazuh-api
  1. Upgrade the Wazuh manager to the latest version:

# yum upgrade wazuh-manager


The configuration file of the Wazuh manager will not be replaced in the updates if it has been modified, so the settings of the new capabilities will have to be added manually. More information can be found at the User manual.

If Wazuh runs in a multi-node cluster, it is necessary to update all Wazuh managers to the same version. Otherwise, Wazuh nodes will not join the cluster.

  • Recommended action - Disable Wazuh updates

    We recommend disabling the Wazuh repository to prevent accidental upgrades. To do so, use the following command:

    # sed -i "s/^enabled=1/enabled=0/" /etc/yum.repos.d/wazuh.repo

Next steps

The Wazuh manager is now successfully upgraded and you can proceed with upgrading the Elastic Stack. To perform this action, see the Upgrading Elasticsearch, Kibana and Filebeat section.