Installing the Wazuh manager from sources

The Wazuh server collects and analyzes data received from deployed agents. It runs the Wazuh manager, the Wazuh API, and Filebeat.

The Wazuh manager package and compatible agent packages can be checked or downloaded from the Packages list section.

Installing dependencies

# yum update -y
# yum install make gcc gcc-c++ policycoreutils-python automake autoconf libtool centos-release-scl openssl-devel wget bzip2 devtoolset-7 -y
# curl -OL && tar xzf gcc-9.4.0.tar.gz  && cd gcc-9.4.0/ && ./contrib/download_prerequisites && ./configure --enable-languages=c,c++ --prefix=/usr --disable-multilib --disable-libsanitizer && make -j$(nproc) && make install && ln -fs /usr/bin/g++ /bin/c++ && ln -fs /usr/bin/gcc /bin/cc && cd .. && rm -rf gcc-* && scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

CMake 3.18 installation.

# curl -OL && tar -zxf cmake-3.18.3.tar.gz && cd cmake-3.18.3 && ./bootstrap --no-system-curl && make -j$(nproc) && make install
# cd .. && rm -rf cmake-*

Optional. Install the following dependencies only when compiling the CPython from sources. Since v4.2.0, make deps TARGET=server will download a portable version of CPython ready to be installed. Nevertheless, you can download the CPython sources by adding the PYTHON_SOURCE flag when running make deps.

To install the required dependencies to build the python interpreter, follow these steps:

# yum install epel-release yum-utils -y
# yum-builddep python34 -y


The Python version from the previous command may change depending on the OS used to build the binaries. More information in Install dependencies.

Installing the Wazuh manager

  1. Download and extract the latest version:

    # curl -Ls | tar zx
  2. Run the script. This will display a wizard to guide you through the installation process using the Wazuh sources:


    If you want to enable the database output, check out this section before running the installation script.

    # cd wazuh-4.5.4
    # ./

    If you have previously compiled for another platform, you must clean the build using the Makefile in src:

    # cd wazuh-4.5.4
    # make -C src clean
    # make -C src clean-deps
  3. When the script asks what kind of installation you want, type manager to install the Wazuh manager:

    1- What kind of installation do you want (manager, agent, local, hybrid, or help)? manager


    During the installation, users can decide the installation path. Execute the ./ and select the language, set the installation mode to manager, then set the installation path (Choose where to install Wazuh [/var/ossec]). The default path of installation is /var/ossec. A commonly used custom path might be /opt.


    Be extremely careful not to select a critical installation directory if you choose a different path than the default. If the directory already exists, the installer will ask to delete the directory or proceed by installing Wazuh inside it.

  4. The installer asks if you want to start Wazuh at the end of the installation. If you choose not to, you can start it later with:

    # systemctl start wazuh-manager

Installing other Wazuh components

Once the Wazuh manager is installed from sources, you may install the Wazuh indexer, Filebeat, and the Wazuh dashboard following the Installation guide.


  1. To uninstall the Wazuh manager, set WAZUH_HOME with the current installation path:

  2. Stop the service:

    # service wazuh-manager stop 2> /dev/null
  3. Stop the daemon:

    # $WAZUH_HOME/bin/wazuh-control stop 2> /dev/null
  4. Remove the installation folder and all its content:

    # rm -rf $WAZUH_HOME
  5. Delete the service:

    # [ -f /etc/rc.local ] && sed -i'' '/wazuh-control start/d' /etc/rc.local
    # find /etc/{init.d,rc*.d} -name "*wazuh*" | xargs rm -f
  6. Remove Wazuh user and group:

    # userdel wazuh 2> /dev/null
    # groupdel wazuh 2> /dev/null