Wazuh indexer indices

An index is a collection of documents that relate to each other. The Wazuh indexer uses indices to store and organize security data for fast retrieval. Wazuh uses the following index patterns to store this data:

You can create a custom index pattern or modify the default index pattern.

Creating custom index pattern

This section describes creating a custom index pattern, my-custom-alerts-*, alongside the default pattern, wazuh-alerts-*. Switch to the root user and perform the steps below.

  1. Stop the Filebeat service:

    # systemctl stop filebeat
  2. Download the Wazuh template and save it into a file (for example, template.json):

    # curl -so template.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wazuh/wazuh/4.5/extensions/elasticsearch/7.x/wazuh-template.json
  3. Open the template file and locate this line at the beginning of the file:

    "index_patterns": [

    Add your custom pattern to look like this:

    "index_patterns": [

    The asterisk character (*) on the index patterns is important because Filebeat will create indices using a name that follows this pattern, which is necessary to apply the proper format to visualize the alerts on the Wazuh dashboard.

  4. Save the modifications and insert the new template into the Wazuh indexer. This will replace the existing template:

    # curl -XPUT -k -u <INDEXER_USERNAME>:<INDEXER_PASSWORD> 'https://<INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200/_template/wazuh' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @template.json

    Replace <INDEXER_USERNAME> and <INDEXER_PASSWORD> with the Wazuh indexer username and password. You can obtain the Wazuh indexer credentials for fresh deployments using the command:


    If using the Wazuh OVA, use the default credentials admin:admin or refer to the password management section.

    # tar -axf wazuh-install-files.tar wazuh-install-files/wazuh-passwords.txt -O | grep -P "\'admin\'" -A 1


    {"acknowledged":true} indicates that the template was inserted correctly.


    Perform step 5 only if you want to replace the default alert index pattern wazuh-alerts-* and/or the default archive index pattern wazuh‑archives-* with my-custom-alerts-*.

  5. Open the Wazuh alerts configuration file /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/alerts/manifest.yml and optionally the archives file /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/archives/manifest.yml and replace the index name.

    For example, from:

    - name: index_prefix
      default: wazuh-alerts-

    To this:

    - name: index_prefix
      default: my-custom-alerts-


    The index name must not contain the characters #, \, /, *, ?, ", <, >, |, ,, and must not start with _, -, or +. Also, all the letters must be lowercase.

  6. (Optional) If you want to use the new index pattern by default, open the /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml file and add the below configuration:

    pattern: my-custom-alerts-*

    This will make the Wazuh server automatically create and/or select the new index pattern.

  7. Restart Filebeat and the Wazuh server components:

    # systemctl restart filebeat
    # systemctl restart wazuh-manager
    # systemctl restart wazuh-indexer
    # systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard


If you already have indices created with the previous name, they won't be changed. You can still change to the previous index pattern to see them, or you can perform reindexing to rename the existing indices.

Creating custom alerts index pattern

Checking indices information

You can check for information about Wazuh indices in two ways.

  • Using the web user interface.

  • Making a request to the Wazuh indexer API.

Using the web user interface

  1. In the Wazuh dashboard upper left menu , go to OpenSearch Plugins > Index Management.

    Opensearch plugins Index management menu option
  2. Click on Indices.

    OpenSearch plugins Index-management indices option

    If the pattern is not present in the Wazuh dashboard, create a new one using the index pattern used in the template my-custom-alerts-*, and make sure to use timestamp as the Time Filter field name.

Using the Wazuh indexer API

You can query the indices information using the Wazuh indexer API from the Wazuh dashboard or the Wazuh server.

Wazuh dashboard

  1. Navigate to > Management > Dev Tools:

    GET /_cat/indices/wazuh-*?v
    Dev Tools indices list

Command line interface

  1. Obtain the Wazuh indexer username and password for fresh deployments using the below command:

    # tar -axf wazuh-install-files.tar wazuh-install-files/wazuh-passwords.txt -O | grep -P "\'admin\'" -A 1


    If using the Wazuh OVA, use the default credentials admin:admin or refer to the password management section.

  2. Run the following command to query your index status. Replace <INDEXER_USERNAME> and <INDEXER_PASSWORD> with the username and password obtained. Replace <INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS> with your Wazuh indexer IP address or FQDN. You can replace wazuh-* with a more specific pattern for your query, such as wazuh-alerts-*.

    # curl -k -u <INDEXER_USERNAME>:<INDEXER_PASSWORD> https://<INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200/_cat/indices/wazuh-*?v
    health status index                       uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
    green  open   wazuh-statistics-2023.30w   xtHZtGqBR0WNJWbs5sjrnQ   1   0       2394            0      1.2mb          1.2mb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.28 VbBfAasJTsiqw3lwRhY5sg   3   0        513            0      1.9mb          1.9mb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.27 7s2x8INqRVmtz5uqMDuA7Q   3   0        515            0        2mb            2mb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.05 0h4cyLJoQYiMvMnqyLDnag   3   0         49            0    370.4kb        370.4kb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.07 kp_N4c7RRuOE91KkuqPuAw   3   0         98            0    397.7kb        397.7kb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.29 rbAC4befS7epxOjiSzFRQQ   3   0       1717            0      3.9mb          3.9mb
    green  open   wazuh-monitoring-2023.31w   1WwxsGQHRfG1_DOIZD-Lag   1   0        954            0    771.9kb        771.9kb
    green  open   wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.07.20 SQbaQC24SgO9eWO_AsBI_w   3   0       1181            0      2.8mb          2.8mb
    green  open   wazuh-statistics-2023.28w   jO52bS6eRamtB2YNmfGzIA   1   0        676            0    501.1kb        501.1kb

The wazuh‑alerts-* indices

The Wazuh server analyzes events received from monitored endpoints and generates alerts when the events match a detection rule. These alerts are saved using the wazuh-alerts-* indices.

The Wazuh server logs the alert data into the /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json and /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.log files by default. Once saved in the /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json file, it forwards the JSON alert document to the /var/lib/wazuh-indexer/ directory of the Wazuh indexer for indexing.

When forwarding alerts to the Wazuh indexer, the Wazuh server formats the current date into an index name. For example, the Wazuh server will define the index names wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.03.17 and wazuh-alerts-4.x-2023.03.18 for March 17th and 18th alerts, respectively. The Wazuh indexer then creates alert indices using the defined wazuh‑alerts-* index names.

You can modify the default index name in the /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/alerts/ingest/pipeline.json file of the Wazuh server. To do this, navigate to the date_index_name field and date_rounding key to change the default index name formatting in the /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/alerts/ingest/pipeline.json file:

  "description": "Wazuh alerts pipeline",
  "processors": [
     { "json" : { "field" : "message", "add_to_root": true } },
     "geoip": {
     "field": "data.srcip",
     "target_field": "GeoLocation",
     "properties": ["city_name", "country_name", "region_name", "location"],
     "ignore_missing": true,
     "ignore_failure": true
     "geoip": {
     "field": "data.win.eventdata.ipAddress",
     "target_field": "GeoLocation",
     "properties": ["city_name", "country_name", "region_name", "location"],
     "ignore_missing": true,
     "ignore_failure": true
     "geoip": {
     "field": "data.aws.sourceIPAddress",
     "target_field": "GeoLocation",
     "properties": ["city_name", "country_name", "region_name", "location"],
     "ignore_missing": true,
     "ignore_failure": true
     "geoip": {
     "field": "data.gcp.jsonPayload.sourceIP",
     "target_field": "GeoLocation",
     "properties": ["city_name", "country_name", "region_name", "location"],
     "ignore_missing": true,
     "ignore_failure": true
     "geoip": {
     "field": "data.office365.ClientIP",
     "target_field": "GeoLocation",
     "properties": ["city_name", "country_name", "region_name", "location"],
     "ignore_missing": true,
     "ignore_failure": true
     "date": {
     "field": "timestamp",
     "target_field": "@timestamp",
     "formats": ["ISO8601"],
     "ignore_failure": false
     "date_index_name": {
     "field": "timestamp",
     "date_rounding": "d",
     "index_name_prefix": "{{fields.index_prefix}}",
     "index_name_format": "yyyy.MM.dd",
     "ignore_failure": false
     { "remove": { "field": "message", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "ecs", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "beat", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "input_type", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "tags", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "count", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "@version", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "log", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "offset", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "type", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "host", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "fields", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "event", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "fileset", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } },
     { "remove": { "field": "service", "ignore_missing": true, "ignore_failure": true } }
  "on_failure" : [{
     "drop" : { }

Where the values:

M - stands for month
w - stands for week
d - stands for day

The wazuh‑archives-* indices

In addition to logging alerts to the /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.json and /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.log files, you can enable the Wazuh archives to log and index all the events the Wazuh server receives. This includes events that are analyzed by Wazuh and events that do not trigger alerts.

Storing and indexing all events might be useful for later analysis and compliance requirements. However, you must consider that enabling logging and indexing of all events will increase the storage requirement on the Wazuh server.

By default, the Wazuh indexer creates event indices for each unique day. You can modify the default index name in the /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/archives/ingest/pipeline.json file of the Wazuh server. To do this, navigate to the date_index_name field and date_rounding key to change the default index name formatting in the /usr/share/filebeat/module/wazuh/archives/ingest/pipeline.json file.

The sections below provide details on how to enable the wazuh archives and set up the wazuh-archives-* indices.

Enabling Wazuh archives

  1. Edit /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf on the Wazuh server and set the <logall_json> line to yes. This enables logging to archives.json of all events. Forwarding to the Wazuh indexer requires the logging of all events in JSON format.

  2. Restart the Wazuh manager to make the change effective.

    # systemctl restart wazuh-manager


    # service wazuh-manager restart
  3. Edit /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and change enabled to true in the archives mapping. This enables events to be forwarded to the Wazuh indexer.

     - module: wazuh
       enabled: true
       enabled: true
  4. Restart the Filebeat service to apply the change:

    # systemctl restart filebeat
  5. Test that the Filebeat service works properly:

    # filebeat test output
      parse url... OK
        parse host... OK
        dns lookup... OK
        dial up... OK
        security: server's certificate chain verification is enabled
        handshake... OK
        TLS version: TLSv1.2
        dial up... OK
      talk to server... OK
      version: 7.10.2

Defining the index pattern

  1. Go to Management > Stack Management and click Index Patterns from the Wazuh dashboard upper left menu .

  2. Click on Create index pattern.

  3. Set wazuh-archives-* as the Index pattern name. This defines the index pattern to match the events being forwarded and indexed. Click on Next step.

  4. Select timestamp for the Time field.


    Be careful to choose timestamp instead of @timestamp.

  5. Click on Create index pattern.

Viewing the index pattern

  1. Click Discover on the upper left menu .

  2. Select wazuh-archives-* to view the events.

    Wazuh archives events

The wazuh-monitoring-* indices

At any moment, the connection status of an enrolled Wazuh agent is one of the following:

  • Active

  • Disconnected

  • Pending

  • Never connected

Wazuh stores a history of the connection status of all its agents. By default, it indexes the agent connection status using the wazuh‑monitoring-* indices. The Wazuh indexer creates one of these indices per week by default. Check the documentation on custom creation intervals. These indices store the connection status of all the agents every 15 minutes by default. Check the documentation on the frequency of API requests.

The Wazuh dashboard requires these indices to display information about agent status. For example, by clicking Agents, you can see information such as the Wazuh agent's connection status and historical evolution within set timeframes.

Status and evolution in Agents dashboard

In the Wazuh dashboard configuration file, you can change the settings to do the following:

The wazuh‑statistics-* indices

The Wazuh dashboard uses the wazuh‑statistics-* indices to display statistics about the Wazuh server usage and performance. The information displayed includes the number of events decoded, bytes received, and TCP sessions.

The Wazuh dashboard runs requests to the Wazuh manager API to query usage-related information. It inserts data into the wazuh‑statistics-* indices from the information collected. The Wazuh indexer creates a wazuh‑statistics-* index per week by default. Check the documentation on the Statistics creation interval. These indices store Wazuh server statistics every 5 minutes by default. Check the documentation on the Frequency of task execution.

To visualize this information in the Wazuh dashboard, go to Management > Statistics.

Statistics analysis engine dashboard