Creating custom WPK packages
1. Get a X509 certificate and CA
Create root CA
# openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout wpk_root.key -out wpk_root.pem -batch
Create certificate and key
# openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout wpkcert.key -out wpkcert.csr -subj '/C=US/ST=CA/O=Wazuh'
- Where:
/C=US is the country.
/ST=CA is the state.
/O=Wazuh is the organization's name.
Sign this certificate with the root CA:
# openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in wpkcert.csr -CA wpk_root.pem -CAkey wpk_root.key -out wpkcert.pem -CAcreateserial
2. Compile a package
WPK packages will usually contain a complete agent code, but this is not necessary.
A WPK package must contain an installation program, in binary form or a script in any language supported by the agent (Bash, Python, etc).
Canonical WPK packages should contain a Bash script with name
for UNIX or upgrade.bat
for Windows. This program must:
Fork itself, the parent will return 0 immediately.
Restart the agent.
Before exiting, the installer must write a file called upgrade_result containing a status number (0 means OK). For instance:
Python 2.7 or 3.5+
Cryptography package for Python. You may get the Cryptography package using Pip:
pip install cryptography
Canonical WPK package example
Download sources from GitHub at branch 3.0:
# curl -Lo && unzip
2. Modify the wazuh-3.0/etc/preload-vars.conf
file from downloaded sources to deploy
an unattended update in the agent. It has to be uncommented the following lines.
Compile the project:
# make -C wazuh-3.0/src TARGET=agent
Change to the base directory:
# cd wazuh-3.0
Install the root CA, only if you want to overwrite the root CA with the file you created before:
# cp path/to/wpk_root.pem etc/wpk_root.pem
Compile the WPK package. You need your SSL certificate and key:
# contrib/agent-upgrade/ output/myagent.wpk path/to/wpkcert.pem path/to/wpkcert.key *
- Where:
output/myagent.wpk is the name of the output WPK package.
path/to/wpkcert.pem is the path to your SSL certificate.
path/to/wpkcert.key is the path to your SSL certificate's key.
* is the file (or the files) to be included into the WPK package.
In this particular case, the Wazuh Project's root directory contains the proper
This is a mere example. If you want to distribute a WPK package this way you should first clean the directory.