
This role will install and configure Logstash with Wazuh templates on the hosts you selected, you can customize the installation with this vars:

  • elasticsearch_network_host: defines Elasticsearch node ip address (default:

  • elasticsearch_http_port: defines Elasticsearch node port (default: 9200).

  • elastic_stack_version: defines Logstash version to be installed.

  • logstash_input_beats: defines the use of File input or Filebeat input. (defauls: false)

Create a YAML file wazuh-logstash.yml to be used by Ansible playbook:

- hosts: logstash
    - ansible-role-logstash

You can set your custom variable definitions for different environments, for example:

  1. For production enviroment vars-production.yml:

elasticsearch_network_host: ''
logstash_input_beats: true
  1. For development enviroment vars-development.yml:

elasticsearch_network_host: ''
logstash_input_beats: false

Next, run the Ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook wazuh-logstash.yml -e@vars-production.yml

The example above will install Logstash and configure to use as Elasticsearch node enabling the Filebeat input.

Please review the references section to see all variables available for this role.