
The ossec-logtest program is a useful tool when working with Wazuh rules. This tool allows the testing and verification of rules against provided log examples in a way that simulates the action of ossec-analysisd. This can also assist with writing and debugging custom rules and troubleshooting false positives and negatives.


Analysis of input lines as though they are live events.

-c <config>

Run using config as the configuration file.

Default Value


-D <dir>

Specifies the chroot before it completes loading all rules,decoders,

and lists and processing standard input.


Run as a Print debug output to the terminal. This option may be repeated

to increase the verbosity of the debug messages.group.


Display the help message.


Test configuration. This will display file details on the rules to be loaded

by ossec-analysisd, decoders, and lists as they are loaded and the order

they were processed.

-U <rule-id:alert-level:decoder-name>

This option will cause ossec-logtest to return a zero exit status if the test

results for the provided log line match the criteria in the arguments.

Only one log line should be supplied for this to be useful.


Display the version and license information for Wazuh and ossec-logtest.


Display the verbose results.


-U ossec-logtest code requires access to all ossec configuration files.


-v is the key option to troubleshoot a rule or decoder problem.