Wazuh provides an automated way of building AIX packages, keep in mind that to build an AIX package you must run this tool in an AIX system.

To create an AIX package follow these steps:


  • curl

Download our wazuh-packages repository from GitHub and go to the aix directory.

$ curl -L | tar zx
$ cd wazuh-wazuh-packages-*
$ cd aix

Execute the script, with the different options you desire.

# ./ -h
Usage: ./ [OPTIONS]

    -b, --branch <branch>               Select Git branch or tag.
    -e, --environment                   Install all the packages necessaries to build the AIX package
    -s, --store  <rpm_directory>        Directory to store the resulting AIX package. By default: /tmp/build
    -p, --install-path <rpm_home>       Installation path for the package. By default: /var
    -c, --checksum <path>               Compute the SHA512 checksum of the AIX package.
    -h, --help                          Shows this help

First, install the needed dependencies:

# ./ -e

Below, you will find some examples of how to build an AIX package.

# ./ -b v3.11.4

This will generate a 3.11.4 Wazuh agent AIX package.

# ./ -b v3.11.4 -c

This will generate a 3.11.4 Wazuh agent AIX package with checksum.

# ./ -b v3.11.4  -p /opt

This will generate a 3.11.4 Wazuh agent AIX package with /opt as installation directory.