Generating automatic reports

Daily reports are summaries of the alerts that were triggered each day. You can configure your own customized report by using the report option in the ossec.conf file. More information on this can be found at Report. For information on how to configure email alerts , see the Configuring email alerts and SMTP server with authentication sections for reference.

      <title>Daily report: File changes</title>

The above configuration will send a daily report of all syscheck alerts to

Rules may also be filtered by level, source, username, rule id, etc.

For example:

      <title>Daily report: Alerts with level higher than 10</title>

The above configuration will send a report with all rules that fired with a level higher than 10.

A preview of a report may be generated by piping the contents of the alerts.log file to ossec-reportd daemon:

cat /var/ossec/logs/alerts/alerts.log | /var/ossec/bin/ossec-reportd -n "Daily report: Alerts with level higher than 10" -s -f level  10 2> report-test.txt

Example of generated report

From: Wazuh                      12:01 AM (10 hours ago)
to me

Report 'Daily report: File changes' completed.
->Processed alerts: 368
->Post-filtering alerts: 58
->First alert: 2017 Mar 08 06:31:26
->Last alert: 2017 Mar 08 13:11:42

Top entries for 'Level':
Severity 5                                                                    |47      |
Severity 7                                                                    |11      |

Top entries for 'Group':
ossec                                                                         |58      |
pci_dss_11.5                                                                  |58      |
syscheck                                                                      |58      |

Top entries for 'Location':
localhost->syscheck                                                           |51      |
(ubuntu)>syscheck                                              |7       |

Top entries for 'Rule':
554 - File added to the system.                                               |47      |
550 - Integrity checksum changed.                                             |11      |

Top entries for 'Filenames':
/boot/grub/grub.cfg                                                           |1       |
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove-kernels                                      |1       |
/etc/group                                                                    |1       |
/etc/group-                                                                   |1       |
/etc/gshadow                                                                  |1       |
/etc/gshadow-                                                                 |1       |
/etc/passwd                                                                   |1       |
/etc/passwd-                                                                  |1       |
/etc/postfix/                                                          |1       |
/etc/shadow                                                                   |1       |
/etc/shadow-                                                                  |1       |