Monitoring containers activity

The Docker wodle collects events on Docker containers such as starting, stopping or pausing.


The following dependencies are required by the wodle:

  • Linux system.

  • Python 2.7 or newer.

  • Python Docker library: It can be installed with pip install docker command.


The configuration is pretty straightforward, it is only necessary to enable the wodle. It will start a new thread to listen Docker events.

<wodle name="docker-listener">

Use cases

Below, you can see some examples of alerts caused by containers activity.

Start a Docker container

The command docker start apache, which start a container called apache, generates the following alert:

"timestamp": "2018-10-05T17:15:33.892+0200",
"rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "Container apache started",
    "id": "87903",
    "mail": false,
    "groups": [
"agent": {
    "id": "002",
    "name": "agent001",
    "ip": ""
"manager": {
    "name": "localhost.localdomain"
"id": "1538752533.76076",
"cluster": {
    "name": "wazuh",
    "node": "master"
"full_log": "{\"integration\": \"docker\", \"docker\": {\"status\": \"start\", \"id\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"from\": \"httpd\", \"Type\": \"container\", \"Action\": \"start\", \"Actor\": {\"ID\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"Attributes\": {\"image\": \"httpd\", \"name\": \"apache\"}}, \"time\": 1538752533, \"timeNano\": 1538752533877226210}}",
"decoder": {
    "name": "json"
"data": {
    "integration": "docker",
    "docker": {
    "status": "start",
    "id": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
    "from": "httpd",
    "Type": "container",
    "Action": "start",
    "Actor": {
        "ID": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
        "Attributes": {
        "image": "httpd",
        "name": "apache"
    "time": "1538752533",
    "timeNano": "1538752533877226240.000000"
"location": "Wazuh-Docker"

Stop a Docker container

This alert is generated by using the command docker stop apache:

"timestamp": "2018-10-05T17:16:53.412+0200",
"rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "Container apache stopped",
    "id": "87904",
    "mail": false,
    "groups": [
"agent": {
    "id": "002",
    "name": "agent001",
    "ip": ""
"manager": {
    "name": "localhost.localdomain"
"id": "1538752613.100231",
"cluster": {
    "name": "wazuh",
    "node": "master"
"full_log": "{\"integration\": \"docker\", \"docker\": {\"status\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"from\": \"httpd\", \"Type\": \"container\", \"Action\": \"stop\", \"Actor\": {\"ID\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"Attributes\": {\"image\": \"httpd\", \"name\": \"apache\"}}, \"time\": 1538752613, \"timeNano\": 1538752613407075872}}",
"decoder": {
    "name": "json"
"data": {
    "integration": "docker",
    "docker": {
    "status": "stop",
    "id": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
    "from": "httpd",
    "Type": "container",
    "Action": "stop",
    "Actor": {
        "ID": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
        "Attributes": {
        "image": "httpd",
        "name": "apache"
    "time": "1538752613",
    "timeNano": "1538752613407075840.000000"
"location": "Wazuh-Docker"

Pause a Docker container

With the command docker pause apache:

"timestamp": "2018-10-05T17:17:54.988+0200",
"rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "Container apache paused",
    "id": "87905",
    "mail": false,
    "groups": [
"agent": {
    "id": "002",
    "name": "agent001",
    "ip": ""
"manager": {
    "name": "localhost.localdomain"
"id": "1538752674.104889",
"cluster": {
    "name": "wazuh",
    "node": "master"
"full_log": "{\"integration\": \"docker\", \"docker\": {\"status\": \"pause\", \"id\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"from\": \"httpd\", \"Type\": \"container\", \"Action\": \"pause\", \"Actor\": {\"ID\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"Attributes\": {\"image\": \"httpd\", \"name\": \"apache\"}}, \"time\": 1538752674, \"timeNano\": 1538752674984734790}}",
"decoder": {
    "name": "json"
"data": {
    "integration": "docker",
    "docker": {
    "status": "pause",
    "id": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
    "from": "httpd",
    "Type": "container",
    "Action": "pause",
    "Actor": {
        "ID": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
        "Attributes": {
        "image": "httpd",
        "name": "apache"
    "time": "1538752674",
    "timeNano": "1538752674984734720.000000"
"location": "Wazuh-Docker"

Unpause a Docker container

This is the alert for docker unpause apache command:

"timestamp": "2018-10-05T17:18:35.373+0200",
"rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "Container apache unpaused",
    "id": "87906",
    "mail": false,
    "groups": [
"agent": {
    "id": "002",
    "name": "agent001",
    "ip": ""
"manager": {
    "name": "localhost.localdomain"
"id": "1538752715.105822",
"cluster": {
    "name": "wazuh",
    "node": "master"
"full_log": "{\"integration\": \"docker\", \"docker\": {\"status\": \"unpause\", \"id\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"from\": \"httpd\", \"Type\": \"container\", \"Action\": \"unpause\", \"Actor\": {\"ID\": \"018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620\", \"Attributes\": {\"image\": \"httpd\", \"name\": \"apache\"}}, \"time\": 1538752715, \"timeNano\": 1538752715369717277}}",
"decoder": {
    "name": "json"
"data": {
    "integration": "docker",
    "docker": {
    "status": "unpause",
    "id": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
    "from": "httpd",
    "Type": "container",
    "Action": "unpause",
    "Actor": {
        "ID": "018205fa7e170e32578b8487e3b7040aad00b8accedb983bc2ad029238ca3620",
        "Attributes": {
        "image": "httpd",
        "name": "apache"
    "time": "1538752715",
    "timeNano": "1538752715369717248.000000"
"location": "Wazuh-Docker"