Unattended installation

This section will explain how to install Wazuh on a single host by using a script that will automatically detect whether the operating system uses rpm or deb packages. The script will perform a health-check verifying that the available system resources meet the minimal requirements. For more information, please visit the requirements section.

Installing Wazuh


Root user privileges are required to run all the commands described below. To download the script the package curl will be used.

  1. Download and run the script:

    # curl -so ~/all-in-one-installation.sh https://packages.wazuh.com/resources/4.2/elastic-stack/unattended-installation/all-in-one-installation.sh && bash ~/all-in-one-installation.sh

    The script will perform a health-check to ensure that the host has enough resources to guarantee the proper performance. This can be skipped adding the option -i or --ignore-healthcheck when running the script.

    After the execution of the script, it will show the following messages to confirm that the installation was successful. Save the password for the elastic user since this will be needed to access Kibana:

     Installing Elasticsearch...
     Configuring Elasticsearch...
     Certificates created
     Elasticsearch started
     Initializing Elasticsearch...(this may take a while)
     Generating passwords...
     Installing Filebeat...
     Filebeat started
     Installing Kibana...
     Kibana started
     Checking the installation...
     Elasticsearch installation succeeded.
     Filebeat installation succeeded.
     Initializing Kibana (this may take a while)
     During the installation of Elasticsearch the passwords for its user were generated. Please take note of them:
     Changed password for user apm_system
     PASSWORD apm_system = fmxX8f2mmvwr1tYWI7oV
     Changed password for user kibana_system
     PASSWORD kibana_system = oRQFFsII9ASwdCxNcxav
     Changed password for user kibana
     PASSWORD kibana = oRQFFsII9ASwdCxNcxav
     Changed password for user logstash_system
     PASSWORD logstash_system = VK2A7OATwLVYWd69s1FI
     Changed password for user beats_system
     PASSWORD beats_system = YK9Jsjwip68duJeiuiTo
     Changed password for user remote_monitoring_user
     PASSWORD remote_monitoring_user = rflSfdb67niYzgPHCF9r
     Changed password for user elastic
     PASSWORD elastic = t7gevllM04kYX7FwnObQ
     Installation finished
  2. Access the web interface using the password generated during the installation process:

URL: https://<wazuh_server_ip>
user: elastic
password: <PASSWORD_elastic>

Upon the first access to Kibana, the browser shows a warning message stating that the certificate was not issued by a trusted authority. An exception can be added in the advanced options of the web browser or, for increased security, the root-ca.pem file previously generated can be imported to the certificate manager of the browser. Alternatively, a certificate from a trusted authority can be configured.

Customizing the installation

The Kibana configuration found at the /etc/kibana/kibana.yml file has the server.host parameter set to It means that Kibana can be accessed from the outside and will accept all the available IP addresses of the host. This value can be changed for a specific IP address if needed.

To uninstall all the components of the all in one installation, visit the uninstalling section.

Next steps

Once the Wazuh environment is ready, a Wazuh agent can be installed on every endpoint to be monitored. The Wazuh agent installation guide is available for most operating systems and can be found here.