Unattended installation

You can install Wazuh on a single host by using a script that automatically detects whether the operating system uses rpm or deb packages. The script performs a health check to verify that the available system resources meet the minimal requirements. For more information, check the Requirements section.

The script installs some packages, including unzip and libcap, required by Open Distro for Elasticsearch.

Installing Wazuh


Root user privileges are required to run all the commands. The curl package is used to download the script.

  1. Run the following command:

    # curl -so ~/unattended-installation.sh https://packages.wazuh.com/resources/4.2/open-distro/unattended-installation/unattended-installation.sh && bash ~/unattended-installation.sh

    The script performs a health check to ensure that the host has enough resources to guarantee proper performance. To skip this step, add the -i or --ignore-healthcheck option when running the script.

    After executing the script, the output prompts all the users' passwords and a message confirms that the installation was successful.

     The password for wazuh is kFadROYxhYtdf9xIj1DLJCPv17cEC5aA
     The password for admin is OR87JPhrka5aMqvMBFaayAVL21fG9tLE
     The password for kibanaserver is XyRPZ_W0a5pyIeNFPe5tNhwYa8FEKRe1
     The password for kibanaro is G1KE3SLRhHTsIOvEtyQQQwjU6vwYwVi2
     The password for logstash is W9PwiGBlqInwdDihRf6cSe4HXO4_K0BO
     The password for readall is 89QTrCYQoNf-aLm3z98fJEscWectExgo
     The password for snapshotrestore is jYfMpPHut-YDKumClMfevMowcGrSGiGS
     The password for wazuh_admin is -2Lji-eRlPt7EmShlfhBr3BYzvIk_QgG
     The password for wazuh_user is pMhLa2ONXvsX9TQyrlTINedEZ6mQ7nHE
     11/17/2021 09:37:48 WARNING: Passwords changed. Remember to update the password in /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml and /etc/kibana/kibana.yml if necessary and restart the services.
     11/17/2021 09:09:07 INFO: Checking the installation...
     11/17/2021 09:09:08 INFO: Elasticsearch installation succeeded.
     11/17/2021 09:09:08 INFO: Filebeat installation succeeded.
     11/17/2021 09:09:08 INFO: Initializing Kibana (this may take a while)
     11/17/2021 09:09:20 INFO: Installation finished
     11/17/2021 09:09:20 INFO: You can access the web interface https://<kibana_ip>. The credentials are wazuh:kFadROYxhYtdf9xIj1DLJCPv17cEC5aA
  2. Access the web interface:

URL: https://<wazuh_server_ip>
user: wazuh
password: <wazuh_user_password>

On the first access to Kibana, the browser displays a warning message indicating that the certificate was not issued by a trusted authority. It is possible to add an exception in the browser's advanced options or, for increased security, the previously generated root-ca.pem file can be imported into the certificate manager of the browser. Alternatively, it is possible to configure a certificate from a trusted authority.


The Open Distro for Elasticsearch performance analyzer plugin is removed during the installation since it might have a negative impact on system resources.

Customizing the installation

The Kibana configuration found at the /etc/kibana/kibana.yml file has the server.host parameter set to This means that Kibana can be accessed from the outside and accepts all the available IP addresses of the host. This value can be changed for a specific IP address if needed.

To uninstall the components of the all-in-one installation, you can use the option -r / --uninstall to remove all the components installed.

Next steps

Once the Wazuh environment is ready, a Wazuh agent can be installed on every endpoint to be monitored. To learn how to install agents, check the Wazuh agent section.