Generating system inventory reports
You can generate two types of reports from the Wazuh dashboard. These reports are the property-specific report and the endpoint inventory report.
Property-specific report
This feature allows you to export CSV
reports of a specific property of an endpoint. For example, you can generate a report of the installed software on an endpoint. This kind of report is only available for processes and installed software.
To download this report, click on the Download CSV beneath the specific property you are interested in on the Inventory data page of the endpoint.
Endpoint inventory report
This feature allows you to export a full report of all endpoint properties collected by the Wazuh Syscollector module. This report is generated in PDF format and can serve a variety of uses. To download the full endpoint report:
Click on Generate Report on the Inventory data page of the Wazuh agent.
When the report is ready, navigate to Wazuh > Management > Reporting and download the report.
Both report types cover the inventory for only the monitored endpoint of interest.