Wazuh manager class
class wazuh::manager
This contains variables that can be used to configure the Wazuh manager.
- $ossec_alert_level
Sets the minimum severity level for alerts that will be stored in alerts.log and/or alerts.json.
Default 3
Type Integer
- $ossec_email_alert_level
Threshold defining minimum severity for a rule to fire an email alert. Some rules circumvent this threshold (
option).Default 12
Type Integer
Authd configuration variables
- $ossec_auth_disabled
Toggles the execution of the Auth daemon on or off.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_auth_port
Defines the TCP port number for listening to connections.
Default 1515
Type Integer
- $ossec_auth_use_source_ip
Toggles the use of the client’s source IP address or the use of “any” to add an agent.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_auth_purgue
Toggles the deletion of client keys on or off when agents are removed.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_auth_use_password
Toggles shared password authentication on or off.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_auth_ciphers
Sets the list of ciphers for network communication using SSL.
Type String
- $ossec_auth_ssl_verify_host
Toggles source host verification on and off when a CA certificate is specified. This means that the client source IP address will be validated using the Common Name field.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_auth_ssl_manager_cert
Specifies the full path to the server SSL certificate.
Default /var/ossec/etc/sslmanager.cert
Type String
- $ossec_auth_ssl_manager_key
Specifies the full path to the server’s SSL key.
Default /var/ossec/etc/sslmanager.key
Type String
- $ossec_auth_ssl_auto_negotiate
Toggles whether or not to auto select the SSL/TLS method.
Default yes
Type String
Cluster variables
- $ossec_cluster_name
Specifies the name of the cluster this node belongs to.
Default wazuh
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_node_name
Specifies the name of the current node of the cluster.
Default node01
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_node_type
Specifies the role of the node.
Default master
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_key
Defines the key used to encrypt the communication between the nodes. This key must be 32 characters long.
Default KEY
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_port
Specifies the port to use for the cluster communications.
Default 1516
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_bind_addr
Specifies which IP address will communicate with the cluster when the node has multiple network interfaces.
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_nodes
Lists all master nodes in the cluster using the <node> tag for each one.
Default ['NODE_IP']
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_hidden
Toggles whether or not to show information about the cluster that generated an alert. If this is set to yes, information about the cluster that generated the event won’t be included in the alert.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_cluster_disabled
Toggles whether the cluster is enabled or not. If this value is set to yes, the cluster won’t start.
Default yes
Type String
Global variables
- $ossec_emailnotification
Whether or not to send email notifications. If this variable is not set to true, the email tags will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default false
Type Boolean
- $ossec_emailto
Email to address.
Default ['recipient@example.wazuh.com']
Type List
Depends on ossec_emailnotification
- $ossec_smtp_server
SMTP mail server.
Default smtp.example.wazuh.com
Type String
Depends on ossec_emailnotification
- $ossec_emailfrom
Email from address.
Default ossecm@example.wazuh.com
Type String
Depends on ossec_emailnotification
- $ossec_email_maxperhour
Global Configuration with the maximum number of emails per hour.
Default 12
Type Integer
Depends on ossec_emailnotification
- $ossec_email_log_source
This selects the alert file to be read from.
Default 'alerts.log'
Type String
Depends on ossec_emailnotification
- $ossec_email_idsname
Define email ID name
Default undef
- $ossec_white_list
Allow white-listing of IP addresses.
Type List
- $ossec_remote_connection
Specifies a type of incoming connection to accept: secure or syslog.
Default secure
Type String
- $ossec_remote_port
Specifies the port to use to listen for events.
Default 1514
Type Integer
- $ossec_remote_protocol
Specifies the protocol to use. It is available for secure connections and syslog events.
Default tcp
Type String
- $ossec_remote_local_ip
Local IP address to use to listen for connections.
Default undef
Type String
- $ossec_remote_allowed_ips
IP address that is allowed to send syslog messages to the server.
Default undef
Type String
Needed if ossec_remote_connection is set to syslog
- $ossec_remote_queue_size
Sets the capacity of the remote daemon queue in number of agent events.
Default 131072
Type String
Added if ossec_remote_connection is set to secure
Localfile variables
- $ossec_local_files
Files list for log analysis
These files are listed in params_manager.pp in section $default_local_files.
Rootcheck variables
- $configure_rootcheck
Enables rootcheck section render on this host.
Default true
Type Boolean
- $ossec_rootcheck_disabled
Disable rootcheck on this host (Linux).
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_files
Enable rootcheck checkfiles option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_trojans
Enable rootcheck checktrojans option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_dev
Enable rootcheck checkdev option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_sys
Enable rootcheck checksys option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_pids
Enable rootcheck checkpids option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_ports
Enable rootcheck checkports option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_check_if
Enable rootcheck checkif option.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_frequency
How often the rootcheck scan will run (in seconds).
Default 36000
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_ignore_list
List of files or directories to be ignored. These files and directories will be ignored during scans.
Default []
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_rootkit_files
Change the location of the rootkit files database.
Default 'etc/shared/rootkit_files.txt'
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_rootkit_trojans
Change the location of the rootkit trojans database.
Default 'etc/shared/rootkit_trojans.txt'
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_skip_nfs
Enable or disable the scanning of network mounted filesystems (Works on Linux and FreeBSD). Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_rootcheck_system_audit
Specifies the path to an audit definition file for Unix-like systems.
Default []
Type String
Syscheck variables
- $configure_syscheck
Enables syscheck section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to true the complete syscheck tag will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default true
Type Boolean
- $ossec_syscheck_disabled
Disable syscheck on this host.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_frequency
Enables syscheck section render on this host.
Default 43200
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_scan_on_start
Specifies if syscheck scans immediately when started.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_auto_ignore
Specifies whether or not syscheck will ignore files that change too many times (manager only).
Default undef
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_directories_1
List of directories to be monitored. The directories should be comma-separated
Default '/etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin'
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_realtime_directories_1
This will enable real-time/continuous monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_1. Real time only works with directories, not individual files.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_whodata_directories_1
This will enable who-data monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_1.
Default no
- $ossec_syscheck_directories_2
List of directories to be monitored. The directories should be comma-separated
Default '/etc,/usr/bin,/usr/sbin'
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_realtime_directories_2
This will enable real-time/continuous monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_2. Real time only works with directories, not individual files.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_whodata_directories_2
This will enable who-data monitoring on directories listed on ossec_syscheck_directories_2.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_report_changes_directories_2
Report file changes. This is limited to text files at this time.
Default no
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_ignore_list
List of files or directories to be ignored. Ignored files and directories are still scanned, but the results are not reported.
Default ['/etc/mtab','/etc/hosts.deny','/etc/mail/statistics','/etc/random-seed','/etc/random.seed','/etc/adjtime','/etc/httpd/logs','/etc/utmpx','/etc/wtmpx','/etc/cups/certs','/etc/dumpdates','/etc/svc/volatile','/sys/kernel/security','/sys/kernel/debug','/dev/core',]
Type List
- $ossec_syscheck_ignore_type_1
Simple regex pattern to filter out files.
Default '^/proc'
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_ignore_type_2
Another simple regex pattern to filter out files.
Default '.log$|.swp$'
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_max_eps
Sets the maximum event reporting throughput. Events are messages that will produce an alert.
Default 50
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_process_priority
Sets the nice value for Syscheck process.
Default 10
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_synchronization_enabled
Specifies whether there will be periodic inventory synchronizations or not.
Default yes
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_synchronization_interval
Specifies the initial number of seconds between every inventory synchronization. If synchronization fails the value will be duplicated until it reaches the value of max_interval.
Default 5m
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_synchronization_max_eps
Sets the maximum synchronization message throughput.
Default 10
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_synchronization_max_interval
Specifies the maximum number of seconds between every inventory synchronization.
Default 1h
Type String
- $ossec_syscheck_skip_nfs
Specifies if syscheck should scan network mounted filesystems. This option works on Linux and FreeBSD systems. Currently, skip_nfs will exclude checking files on CIFS or NFS mounts.
Default yes
Type String
Syslog output variables
- $syslog_output
Allows a Wazuh manager to send the OSSEC alerts to one or more syslog servers. If this variable is not set to true the complete syslog_output tag will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default false
Type Boolean
- $syslog_output_level
The minimum level of the alerts to be forwarded.
Default 2
Type Integer
Depends on syslog_output
- $syslog_output_port
The port to forward alerts to.
Default 514
Type Integer
Depends on syslog_output
- $syslog_output_server
The IP address of the syslog server.
Default undef
Type String
Depends on syslog_output
Required if syslog_output is set to true
- $syslog_output_format
Format of alert output.
Default undef
Type String
Depends on syslog_output
Vulnerability Detection variables
- $configure_vulnerability_detection
Enables Vulnerability detection section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to true, the complete vulnerability-detection tag will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default yes
Type Boolean
- $vulnerability_detection_enabled
Enables the vulnerability detection module.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_detection
- $vulnerability_detection_index_status
Enables indexing of vulnerability inventory data.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_detection
- $vulnerability_detection_feed_update_interval
Time interval for periodic feed updates.
Default 60m
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_detection
- $configure_vulnerability_indexer
Enables Vulnerability detection indexer section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to true, the vulnerability-indexer tag will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default yes
Type Boolean
- $vulnerability_indexer_enabled
Enables the Vulnerability detection indexer module.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
- $vulnerability_indexer_hosts_host
host or IP of Wazuh indexer nodes.
Default ['']
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
- $vulnerability_indexer_hosts_port
Port of Wazuh indexer.
Default 9200
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
- $vulnerability_indexer_ssl_ca
Path of ca certificate.
Default /etc/filebeat/certs/root-ca.pem
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
- $vulnerability_indexer_ssl_certificate
Path of Filebeat certificate.
Default /etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat.pem
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
- $vulnerability_indexer_ssl_key
Path of Filebeat key.
Default /etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat-key.pem
Type String
Depends on configure_vulnerability_indexer
Wazuh API variables
- $wazuh_api_host
IP address or hostname of the Wazuh manager where the Wazuh API is running.
Default ['', '::']
Type List
- $wazuh_api_port
Port where the Wazuh API will listen.
Default 55000
Type String
- $wazuh_api_https_enabled
Enable or disable SSL (https) in the Wazuh API.
Default true
Type String
- $wazuh_api_https_key
File with the private key.
Default server.key (in api/configuration/ssl)
Type String
- $wazuh_api_https_cert
File with the certificate.
Default server.crt (in api/configuration/ssl)
Type String
- $wazuh_api_https_use_ca
Whether to use a certificate from a Certificate Authority.
Default false
Type String
- $wazuh_api_https_ca
Certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA).
Default ca.crt (in api/configuration/ssl)
Type String
- $wazuh_api_logs_level
Sets the verbosity level of the Wazuh API logs.
Default info
Type String
- $wazuh_api_logs_format
Set the format of the Wazuh API logs.
Default plain
- $wazuh_api_cors_enabled
Enable or disable the use of CORS in the Wazuh API.
Default false
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cors_source_route
Sources for which the resources will be available. For example http://client.example.org.
Default "*"
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cors_expose_headers
Specifies which headers can be exposed as part of the response.
Default "*"
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cors_allow_headers
Specifies which HTTP headers can be used during the actual request.
Default "*"
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cors_allow_credentials
Tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript.
Default false
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cache_enabled
Enables or disables caching for certain API responses (currently, all /rules endpoints)
Default true
Type String
- $wazuh_api_cache_time
Time in seconds that the cache lasts before expiring.
Default 0.75
Type String
- $wazuh_api_access_max_login_attempts
Set a maximum number of login attempts during a specified block_time number of seconds.
Default 5
Type Integer
- $wazuh_api_access_block_time
Established period of time (in seconds) to attempt login requests. If the established number of requests (max_login_attempts) is exceeded within this time limit, the IP address is blocked until the end of the block time period.
Default 300
Type Integer
- $wazuh_api_access_max_request_per_minute
Establish a maximum number of requests the Wazuh API can handle per minute (does not include authentication requests). If the number of requests for a given minute is exceeded, all incoming requests (from any user) will be blocked. This feature can be disabled by setting its value to 0.
Default 300
Type Integer
- $wazuh_api_drop_privileges
Run wazuh-api process as wazuh user
Default true
Type String
- $wazuh_api_experimental_features
Enable features under development
Default false
Type String
Wodle osquery variables
- $configure_wodle_osquery
Enables the Wodle osquery section rendering on this host. If this variable is not set to true, the complete osquery wodle tag will not be added to ossec.conf.
Default true
Type Boolean
- $wodle_osquery_disabled
Disable the osquery wodle.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_wodle_osquery
- $wodle_osquery_run_daemon
Makes the module run osqueryd as a subprocess or lets the module monitor the results log without running Osquery.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_wodle_osquery
- $wodle_osquery_log_path
Full path to the results log written by Osquery.
Default '/var/log/osquery/osqueryd.results.log'
Type String
Depends on configure_wodle_osquery
- $wodle_osquery_config_path
Path to the Osquery configuration file. This path can be relative to the folder where the Wazuh agent is running.
Default '/etc/osquery/osquery.conf'
Type String
Depends on configure_wodle_osquery
- $wodle_osquery_add_labels
Add the agent labels defined as decorators.
Default yes
Type String
Depends on configure_wodle_osquery
Wodle Syscollector variables
- $wodle_syscollector_disabled
Disable the Syscollector wodle.
Default no
- $wodle_syscollector_interval
Time between system scans.
Default 1h
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_scan_on_start
Run a system scan immediately when service is started.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_hardware
Enables the hardware scan.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_os
Enables the OS scan.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_network
Enables the network scan.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_packages
Enables the scan of the packages.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_ports
Enables the ports scan.
Default yes
Type String
- $wodle_syscollector_processes
Enables the scan of the processes.
Default yes
Type String
Misc Variables
- $server_package_version
Modified client.pp and server.pp to accept package versions as a parameter.
Default 4.10.1-1
Type String
- $manage_repos
Install Wazuh through Wazuh repositories.
Default true
Type Boolean
- $manage_client_keys
Manage client keys option.
Default true
Type String
- $local_decoder_template
Allow using a custom local_decoder.xml in the manager.
Default wazuh/local_decoder.xml.erb
Type String
- $local_rules_template
Allow using a custom local_rules.xml in the manager.
Default wazuh/local_rules.xml.erb
Type String
- $shared_agent_template
Enable the configuration to deploy through agent.conf
Default wazuh/ossec_shared_agent.conf.erb
Type String
function wazuh::email_alert
- $alert_email
Email to send to.
- $alert_group
An array of rule group names.
Default false
No email will be sent for alerts with a severity below the global $ossec_email_alert_level
, unless the rule has alert_email set.
function wazuh::command
- $command_name
Human readable name for wazuh::activeresponse usage.
- $command_executable
Name of the executable. WAZUH comes preloaded with disable-account, host-deny, ipfw, pf, route-null, firewall-drop, wazuh-slack, restart-wazuh.
- $timeout_allowed
Default true
function wazuh::activeresponse
- $active_response_name
Human readable name for wazuh::activeresponse usage.
- $active_response_disabled
Toggles the active-response capability on and off.
- $active_response_command
Links the active-response to the command.
- $active_response_location
It can be set to local, server, defined-agent, all.
Default local
- $active_response_level
Can take values between 0 and 16.
Default n/a
- $active_response_agent_id
Specifies the ID of the agent on which to execute the active response command (used when defined-agent is set).
Default n/a
- $active_response_rules_id
List of rule IDs.
Default []
- $active_response_timeout
Usually Active Response blocks for a certain amount of time.
Default undef
- $active_response_repeated_offenders
Sets timeouts in minutes for repeat offenders. This is a list of increasing timeouts that can contain a maximum of 5 entries.
Default empty