Setting up custom branding

The Wazuh dashboard white-labeling feature allows you to replace the following elements with custom ones:

  • Logos on the Wazuh dashboard.

    • Loading logos

    • Health check logo

    • Wazuh dashboard home logo

  • Logo, header, and footer on PDF reports.

Custom logos on the Wazuh dashboard

Loading logos

To customize the global App loading logo, do the following.

Global App loading logo
  1. Edit opensearch_dashboards.yml. You can find this file in the following locations:

    • /etc/wazuh-dashboard/

    • /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/config/ for Docker installations.

  2. Add the URL of your default and dark theme logos.

          defaultUrl: ""
          darkModeUrl: ""
  3. Restart the Wazuh dashboard service:

    # systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard

To customize the Wazuh plugins loading logo, do the following.

Wazuh plugins loading logo
  1. Navigate to Dashboard management > App Settings on the Wazuh dashboard.

  2. Set up (App main logo) in the Custom branding section.

This property sets the App loading logo image when the user is logging in to the Wazuh server. It has a size limit of 1 MB. It replaces the logo image in the Wazuh loading animation when a new section initializes. Recommended size: 300 pixels width, 70 pixels height. Once you are done setting your custom logo images, you can find them saved in /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/plugins/wazuh/public/assets/custom/images/.

Custom branding of the PDF reports

To customize the PDF reports, click the hamburger icon from the top left side and go to Dashboard management > App Settings > Configuration. Under the Custom branding section, set up the following properties:

  • customization.logo.reports. This property sets the PDF reports logo image. It has a size limit of 1 MB. It's printed in the top left corner of the PDF reports. Recommended size: 190 pixels width, 40 pixels height. See #1 in the image below.

  • customization.reports.footer. This property sets the Reports footer text block. It has a size limit of 2 lines of 50 characters each. It's printed in the bottom left corner of the PDF reports. See #2 in the image below.

  • customization.reports.header. This property sets the Reports header text block. It has a size limit of 3 lines of 40 characters each. It's printed in the top right corner of the PDF reports. See #3 in the image below.


The following settings correspond to the custom branding feature. Edit the default branding of the main Wazuh dashboard and PDF reports using the user interface as explained above.

Configuration name


Default value

Allowed values

Value limit


Enables and disables custom branding of the Wazuh dashboard and PDF reports.


true, false

This is the image to be used as the logo in the main menu of the Wazuh dashboard. It is saved as /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/plugins/wazuh/public/assets/custom/images/<format>.


jpeg, jpg, png, svg

1 MB


This is the image to be used as the health check logo. It is saved as /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/plugins/wazuh/public/assets/custom/images/customization.logo.healthcheck.<format>.


jpeg, jpg, png, svg

1 MB


This is the image to be used as a logo in the PDF reports generated by the Wazuh dashboard. It is saved as /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/plugins/wazuh/public/assets/custom/images/customization.logo.reports.<format>.


jpeg, jpg, png

1 MB


Header of the PDF reports. To use an empty header, type a space " " in the field. If the field is empty, it uses the default header.


Printable characters

3 lines of 40 characters each


Footer of the PDF reports. To use an empty footer, type a space " " in the field. If the field is empty, it uses the default footer.


Printable characters

2 lines of 50 characters each


Please, take into consideration the following notes:

  • The value of any customization.logo.* setting must follow the pattern custom/images/<setting_name>.<image_format>.

  • The path custom/images/ included in every customization.logo.* setting is relative to the /plugins/wazuh/public/assets/ folder.

  • Setting or modifying any customization.logo.* setting by hand is not recommended. Use the UI instead.

  • The in-file customization.logo.* settings are flagged for deprecation, and will be no longer supported in future releases.