Cluster management
Using the Wazuh indexer API
Perform the following cluster management queries on the Wazuh dashboard console by navigating to Indexer management > Dev Tools.
Check the general Wazuh indexer cluster health:
GET _cluster/health
To check cluster health based on awareness attribute, use the following:
GET _cluster/health?level=awareness_attributes
To check the cluster health based on a specific index, use the following:
GET _cluster/health/<INDEX-PATTERN>
List all Wazuh indexer nodes and their roles:
GET _cat/nodes
Check the Wazuh indexer node where an index is stored:
GET _cat/shards/wazuh-alerts-*?v
Check ISM policy for an index pattern:
GET _opendistro/_ism/explain/wazuh-alerts-*
Check statistics about the Wazuh indexer cluster:
GET _cluster/stats/nodes/*
Check storage allocation. This can be used to determine if the Wazuh indexer node is full. If the indexer node is full, implement the index lifecycle management to free up old indices.
GET _cat/allocation?v&s=node
Check Wazuh indexer node attributes:
GET _cat/nodeattrs?v&h=node,attr,value