3.9.2 Release notes - 10 June 2019
This section shows the most relevant improvements and fixes in version 3.9.2. More details about these changes are provided in each component changelog:
Wazuh core
Fixed configuration request for whitelists when the block was empty.
Fixed error deleting temporary files during cluster synchronization.
Changes wrong permissions on agent groups files when they are synchronized by the cluster.
Memory errors fixed in CIS-CAT module.
Fixed error checking agent version in remote upgrades.
Fixed race condition in analysis daemon when decoding SCA events. Using reentrant functions in order to maintain context between successive calls.
Fixed a file descriptor leak in modulesd. This bug appeared when the timeout was exceeded when executing a command.
Fixed invalid content handling RedHat feed, causes unexpected exit in Wazuh modules daemon.
Prevent the agent from stopping if it fails to resolve the manager hostname on startup.
Wazuh apps
Fixed visualization in agent overview dashboard.
Fix adding API data in an invalid format.
Adapt request executed in DevTool to the API standards.
Get same metrics security events dashboard that in the agents overview.
Fixed SCA policy checks table.
Added missing dependency for Discover.
Wazuh ruleset
Fixed Windows rule about audit log.
Fixed invalid check of the Solaris 11 SCA policy.