Deploying Wazuh agents on AIX endpoints

The agent runs on the endpoint you want to monitor and communicates with the Wazuh server, sending data in near real-time through an encrypted and authenticated channel.

The deployment of a Wazuh agent on an AIX system uses deployment variables that facilitate the task of installing, registering, and configuring the agent.


You need root user privileges to run all the commands described below.

Required dependencies:
  • bash

  1. To start the deployment process, download the AIX installer.

  2. To deploy the Wazuh agent to your endpoint, edit the WAZUH_MANAGER variable so that it contains the Wazuh manager IP address or hostname.

    # WAZUH_MANAGER="" rpm -ivh wazuh-agent-4.9.1-1.aix.ppc.rpm

    For additional deployment options such as agent name, agent group, and registration password, see Deployment variables for AIX section.


    Alternatively, if you want to install an agent without registering it, omit the deployment variables. To learn more about the different registration methods, see the Wazuh agent enrollment section.

  3. To complete the installation process, start the Wazuh agent.

    # /var/ossec/bin/wazuh-control start

The deployment process is now complete, and the Wazuh agent is successfully running on your AIX endpoint.