Load balancers

A load balancer distributes workloads across multiple resources. In this case, it distributes Wazuh agents among the different worker nodes in a Wazuh server cluster.

Wazuh recommends the following load balancers including NGINX and HAProxy. You can choose any of the load balancer services as per your need.


NGINX is an open source web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy, and HTTP cache. In this scenario, we use it as a load balancer to distribute Wazuh agent traffic within a Wazuh server cluster.


There are different installation instructions for installing NGINX based on the choice of your Linux distribution.

  1. Download the packages from the Official page.

  2. Follow the steps related to that guide to install the packages.


The way NGINX and its modules work are determined in it’s configuration file. By default, the configuration file of NGINX is named nginx.conf and located in the /usr/local/nginx/conf, /etc/nginx, or /usr/local/etc/nginx directory depending on the installation type.

Perform the steps below to configure NGINX as a load balancer.

  1. Add the content below to the NGINX nginx.conf configuration file:

    stream {
       upstream master {
           server <MASTER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:1515;
       upstream mycluster {
       hash $remote_addr consistent;
           server <MASTER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:1514;
           server <WORKER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:1514;
           server <WORKER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS>:1514;
       server {
           listen 1515;
           proxy_pass master;
       server {
           listen 1514;
           proxy_pass mycluster;


    • <MASTER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of the Wazuh server master node in your cluster.

    • <WORKER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of the Wazuh server worker nodes in your cluster.

    You can find more details in the NGINX guide for configuring TCP and UDP load balancer.

  2. Verify the NGINX configuration file for syntax errors:

    # nginx -t
    nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
    nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
  3. Reload the NGINX service to apply the changes:

    # nginx -s reload


High Availability Proxy (HAProxy) is a free and open source software that provides a high availability load balancer and proxy for TCP and HTTP-based applications. Using a load balancer, such as HAProxy, ensures the Wazuh agents enroll and report to Wazuh manager nodes in a distributed way. HAProxy supports several load balancing including round-robin, leastconn, source, and others. The load balancer assigns manager nodes to the Wazuh agents based on the selected algorithm, improving load distribution. If a Wazuh manager node fails, the Wazuh agents reconnect to another node in the cluster.


There are two main ways to install HAProxy.

  • Using system packages and Personal Package Archive (PPA).

  • Using Docker images.


The provided examples and configurations are based on Ubuntu and HAProxy 2.8.

  1. Install HAProxy

    # apt install haproxy -y
  2. Check the installation

    # haproxy -v
    HAProxy version 2.8.5-1ubuntu3 2024/04/01 - https://haproxy.org/
    Status: long-term supported branch - will stop receiving fixes around Q2 2028.
    Known bugs: http://www.haproxy.org/bugs/bugs-2.8.5.html
    Running on: Linux 6.8.0-76060800daily20240311-generic #202403110203~1714077665~22.04~4c8e9a0 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu A x86_64


Perform the following steps to configure HAProxy to work with a Wazuh server cluster.

  1. Create a haproxy.cfg file in the /etc/haproxy/ directory and add the following configuration:

              chroot          /var/lib/haproxy
              pidfile         /var/run/haproxy.pid
              maxconn         4000
              user            haproxy
              group           haproxy
              stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats level admin
              log local2 info
              mode http
              maxconn 4000
              log global
              option redispatch
              option dontlognull
              option tcplog
              timeout check 10s
              timeout connect 10s
              timeout client 1m
              timeout queue 1m
              timeout server 1m
              retries 3
    frontend wazuh_register
              mode tcp
              bind :1515
              default_backend wazuh_register
    backend wazuh_register
              mode tcp
              balance leastconn
              server master <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_MASTER_NODE>:1515 check
              server worker1 <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_WORKER_NODE>:1515 check
              server workern <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_WORKER_NODE>:1515 check
    # Do not include the following if you will enable HAProxy Helper
    frontend wazuh_reporting_front
              mode tcp
              bind :1514 name wazuh_reporting_front_bind
              default_backend wazuh_reporting
    backend wazuh_reporting
              mode tcp
              balance leastconn
              server master <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_MASTER_NODE>:1514 check
              server worker1 <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_WORKER_NODE>:1514 check
              server worker2 <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_WORKER_NODE>:1514 check


    • <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_MASTER_NODE> with the IP address or DNS of the Wazuh server master node in your cluster.

    • <IP_ADDRESS_OR_DNS_OF_WAZUH_WORKER_NODE> with the IP address or DNS of the Wazuh server worker nodes in your cluster.

    The configuration above is made of the following sections defined below.

    • A backend section which is a set of Wazuh server cluster nodes that receive forwarded agent connections. It includes the following parameters:

      • The load balancing mode.

      • The load balance algorithm to use.

      • A list of Wazuh servers and ports. The example that follows has the default one pointing to the master node.

      backend wazuh_register
         mode tcp
         balance leastconn
         server master_node <WAZUH_REGISTRY_HOST>:1515 check
    • A frontend section defines how to forward requests to backends. It's composed of the following parameters:

      • The type of load balancing.

      • The port to bind the connections.

      • The default backend to forward requests

      frontend wazuh_register
         mode tcp
         bind :1515
         default_backend wazuh_register
  2. Start the service to apply the configuration:

    # service haproxy start
    * Starting haproxy haproxy
    [NOTICE]   (13231) : haproxy version is 2.8.9-1ppa1~jammy
    [NOTICE]   (13231) : path to executable is /usr/sbin/haproxy
    [ALERT]    (13231) : config : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:3] : 'pidfile' already specified. Continuing.

HAProxy helper

This is an optional tool to manage HAProxy configuration depending on the Wazuh server cluster status in real time. It provides the Wazuh manager with the ability to automatically balance the Wazuh agent TCP sessions.

Key features of HAProxy helper

Some of its key features are:

  • Adding and removing servers to the Wazuh backend (1514/tcp) when detecting changes on the Wazuh server cluster. For example, new workers connected.

  • Balancing excess Wazuh agents per node when adding new servers to the Wazuh backend.

  • Balancing agents when detecting an imbalance that exceeds the given tolerance.

HAProxy helper architecture

The HAProxy helper runs in an independent thread that initiates with the wazuh-cluster daemon. It follows this process.

HAProxy helper flow

Enabling the HAProxy helper

To use this feature, you need a HAProxy instance balancing the Wazuh server cluster using the least connections algorithm.


The recommended version of HAProxy is the 2.8 LTS.

Dataplane API configuration

The HAProxy helper uses the Dataplane API to communicate with HAProxy and update the configuration according to the changes in the Wazuh server cluster.

This is the basic configuration for the Dataplane API. Replace <DATAPLANE_USER> and <DATAPLANE_PASSWORD> with the chosen user and password.

   port: 5555
       transaction_dir: /tmp/haproxy
   - insecure: true
      password: <DATAPLANE_PASSWORD>
      name: <DATAPLANE_USER>
   config_file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
   haproxy_bin: /usr/sbin/haproxy
      reload_delay: 5
      reload_cmd: service haproxy reload
      restart_cmd: service haproxy restart

Depending on the HAProxy installation method, follow these steps to enable the HAProxy helper.


For the HAProxy helper to operate correctly, ensure there's no frontend with port 1514 in the haproxy.cfg file.

  1. Download the binary file for the installed HAProxy version. You can find the available versions here.

    # curl -sL https://github.com/haproxytech/dataplaneapi/releases/download/v2.8.X/dataplaneapi_2.8.X_linux_x86_64.tar.gz | tar xz && cp dataplaneapi /usr/local/bin/
  2. Put the configuration in /etc/haproxy/dataplaneapi.yml and start the process

    # dataplaneapi -f /etc/haproxy/dataplaneapi.yml &
  3. Verify the API is running properly. Replace <DATAPLANE_USER> and <DATAPLANE_PASSWORD> with the chosen user and password.

    # curl -X GET --user <DATAPLANE_USER>:<DATAPLANE_PASSWORD> http://localhost:5555/v2/info
    {"api":{"build_date":"2024-05-13T12:09:33.000Z","version":"v2.8.X 13ba2b34"},"system":{}}

As an example, you can configure a basic HAProxy helper within an already configured Wazuh server cluster master node. Perform the following steps on the Wazuh server master node only.

  1. Add the highlighted HAProxy helper configuration section to the /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf file:



    • haproxy_disabled indicates whether the helper is disabled or not in the master node.

    • haproxy_address specifies the IP or DNS address to connect with HAProxy.

    • haproxy_user specifies the username to authenticate with HAProxy.

    • haproxy_password specifies the password to authenticate with HAProxy.

    Learn more about haproxy_helper options in the reference guide.

  2. Restart the Wazuh server master node:

    # systemctl restart wazuh-manager
  3. Verify the HAProxy helper is running:

    # tail /var/ossec/logs/cluster.log
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Cluster] [Main] Removing '/var/ossec/queue/cluster/'.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Cluster] [Main] Removed '/var/ossec/queue/cluster/'.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [Local Server] [Main] Serving on /var/ossec/queue/cluster/c-internal.sock
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Local Server] [Keep alive] Calculating.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Local Server] [Keep alive] Calculated.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [Master] [Main] Serving on ('', 1516)
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Master] [Keep alive] Calculating.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 DEBUG: [Master] [Keep alive] Calculated.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [Master] [Local integrity] Starting.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [Master] [Local agent-groups] Sleeping 30s before starting the agent-groups task, waiting for the workers connection.
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [HAPHelper] [Main] Proxy was initialized
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [HAPHelper] [Main] Ensuring only exists one HAProxy process. Sleeping 12s before start...
    2024/04/05 19:23:06 INFO: [Master] [Local integrity] Finished in 0.090s. Calculated metadata of 34 files.
    2024/04/05 19:23:14 INFO: [Master] [Local integrity] Starting.
    2024/04/05 19:23:14 INFO: [Master] [Local integrity] Finished in 0.005s. Calculated metadata of 34 files.
    2024/04/05 19:23:18 DEBUG2: [HAPHelper] [Proxy] Obtained proxy backends
    2024/04/05 19:23:18 DEBUG2: [HAPHelper] [Proxy] Obtained proxy frontends
    2024/04/05 19:23:18 INFO: [HAPHelper] [Main] Starting HAProxy Helper
    2024/04/05 19:23:18 DEBUG2: [HAPHelper] [Proxy] Obtained proxy servers