Configuring existing components to connect with the new node

All-in-one deployment

  1. Create a file,, in the /root directory of the existing node where you define your environmental variables as follows:


    Replace <WAZUH_INDEXER_NODE_NAME>, <EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_NODE_NAME>, <WAZUH_DASHBOARD_NODE_NAME> with the names of the Wazuh indexer, Wazuh server and Wazuh dashboard nodes respectively as defined in /root/config.yml.

  2. Create a script in the /root directory and paste the following to it:

    # Source the environmental variables from the external file
    source ~/
    rm -rf /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
    mkdir /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
    tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME1.pem ./$NODE_NAME1-key.pem ./admin.pem ./admin-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
    mv -n /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/$NODE_NAME1.pem /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/wazuh-indexer.pem
    mv -n /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/$NODE_NAME1-key.pem /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/wazuh-indexer-key.pem
    chmod 500 /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
    chmod 400 /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/*
    chown -R wazuh-indexer:wazuh-indexer /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
    rm -rf /etc/filebeat/certs
    mkdir /etc/filebeat/certs
    tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/filebeat/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME2.pem ./$NODE_NAME2-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
    mv -n /etc/filebeat/certs/$NODE_NAME2.pem /etc/filebeat/certs/wazuh-server.pem
    mv -n /etc/filebeat/certs/$NODE_NAME2-key.pem /etc/filebeat/certs/wazuh-server-key.pem
    chmod 500 /etc/filebeat/certs
    chmod 400 /etc/filebeat/certs/*
    chown -R root:root /etc/filebeat/certs
    rm -rf /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
    mkdir /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
    tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME3.pem ./$NODE_NAME3-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
    mv -n /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/$NODE_NAME3.pem /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard.pem
    mv -n /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/$NODE_NAME3-key.pem /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard-key.pem
    chmod 500 /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
    chmod 400 /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/*
    chown -R wazuh-dashboard:wazuh-dashboard /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
  3. Deploy the certificates by executing the following command:

    # bash /root/

    This deploys the SSL certificates to encrypt communications between the Wazuh central components.

    Recommended action: Save a copy offline for potential future use and scalability. You can remove the wazuh-certificates.tar file on this node by running the command below to increase security:

    # rm -rf ./wazuh-certificates
    # rm -f ./wazuh-certificates.tar
  4. Edit the Wazuh indexer configuration file at /etc/wazuh-indexer/opensearch.yml to specify the indexer’s IP address and NODE_NAME as mentioned in /root/config.yml file: "<WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>" "<WAZUH_INDEXER_NODE_NAME>"
  5. Edit the Filebeat configuration file /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml to specify the indexer’s IP address:

            - <WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200


    The structure of this section varies based on whether you completed your installation using the Wazuh installation assistant or the step-by-step guide. Here we used the quickstart script.

  6. Generate a random encryption key that will be used to encrypt communication between the cluster nodes:

    # openssl rand -hex 16

    Save the output of the above command as it will be used later to configure both Wazuh server nodes.

  7. Edit the configuration file /etc/wazuh-dashboard/opensearch_dashboards.yml to include connection details for the indexer node:

    opensearch.hosts: https://<WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200
  8. Edit the /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml file and replace the url value with the IP address or hostname of the Wazuh server master node:

      - default:
          url: https://<EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>
          port: 55000
          username: wazuh-wui
          password: <WAZUH_WUI_PASSWORD>
          run_as: false
  9. Edit the Wazuh server configuration file at /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf to enable the Wazuh server cluster:


    The configurable fields in the above section of the /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf file are as follows:

    • name indicates the name of the cluster.

    • node_name indicates the name of the current node. Replace <EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_NODE_NAME> with name as specified in the /root/config.yml file.

    • node_type specifies the role of the node. It has to be set to master.

    • key represents a key used to encrypt communication between cluster nodes. It should be the same on all the server nodes. To generate a unique key you can use the command openssl rand -hex 16.

    • port indicates the destination port for cluster communication. Leave the default as 1516.

    • bind_addr is the network IP to which the node is bound to listen for incoming requests ( means the node will use any IP).

    • nodes is the address of the master node and can be either an IP or a DNS hostname. This parameter must be specified in all nodes, including the master itself. Replace <MASTER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your master node.

    • hidden shows or hides the cluster information in the generated alerts.

    • disabled indicates whether the node is enabled or disabled in the cluster. This option must be set to no.

  10. Restart the Wazuh central component and Filebeat to apply the changes.

    # systemctl restart wazuh-indexer
    # systemctl restart wazuh-manager
    # systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard
    # systemctl restart filebeat

Distributed deployment

  1. Deploy the Wazuh server certificates on your existing Wazuh server node by running the following commands. Replace <EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_NODE_NAME> with the node name of the Wazuh server you are configuring as defined in /root/config.yml.

    # rm -rf /etc/filebeat/certs
    # mkdir /etc/filebeat/certs
    # tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/filebeat/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME.pem ./$NODE_NAME-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
    # mv -n /etc/filebeat/certs/$NODE_NAME.pem /etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat.pem
    # mv -n /etc/filebeat/certs/$NODE_NAME-key.pem /etc/filebeat/certs/filebeat-key.pem
    # chmod 500 /etc/filebeat/certs
    # chmod 400 /etc/filebeat/certs/*
    # chown -R root:root /etc/filebeat/certs


    If the certificates were recreated as recommended in the note above.

    You will also have to re-deploy the certificates on all your existing Wazuh nodes (indexer and dashboard).

    After deploying the new certificate on the server, run the following commands to deploy the certificates to the Wazuh indexer and dashboard:

    • On the Wazuh indexer node(s):

      # rm -rf /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
      # mkdir /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
      # tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME.pem ./$NODE_NAME-key.pem ./admin.pem ./admin-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
      # mv -n /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/$NODE_NAME.pem /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer.pem
      # mv -n /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/$NODE_NAME-key.pem /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/indexer-key.pem
      # chmod 500 /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
      # chmod 400 /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs/*
      # chown -R wazuh-indexer:wazuh-indexer /etc/wazuh-indexer/certs
    • On the Wazuh dashboard node:

      # rm -rf /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
      # mkdir /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
      # tar -xf ./wazuh-certificates.tar -C /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/ ./$NODE_NAME.pem ./$NODE_NAME-key.pem ./root-ca.pem
      # mv -n /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/$NODE_NAME.pem /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard.pem
      # mv -n /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/$NODE_NAME-key.pem /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/wazuh-dashboard-key.pem
      # chmod 500 /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs
      # chmod 400 /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs/*
      # chown -R wazuh-dashboard:wazuh-dashboard /etc/wazuh-dashboard/certs

    Recommended action: Save a copy offline for potential future use and scalability. You can remove the wazuh-certificates.tar file on this node by running the command below to increase security:

    # rm -f ./wazuh-certificates.tar
  2. Edit the Wazuh indexer configuration file at /etc/wazuh-indexer/opensearch.yml to specify the indexer’s IP address as specified in the /root/config.yml file: "<WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>" "<WAZUH_INDEXER_NODE_NAME>"
  3. Edit the Filebeat configuration file /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml (located in the Wazuh server node) to specify the indexer’s IP address:

            - <WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200


    The structure of this section will vary depending on if you did your installation using the Wazuh installation assistant or the step-by-step guide. Here we used the Wazuh installation assistant.

  4. Generate an encryption key that will be used to encrypt communication between the cluster nodes:

    # openssl rand -hex 16

    Save the output of the above command as it will be used later to configure cluster mode on both Wazuh server nodes.

  5. Edit the configuration file /etc/wazuh-dashboard/opensearch_dashboards.yml to include the indexer node’s IP:

    opensearch.hosts: https://<WAZUH_INDEXER_IP_ADDRESS>:9200
  6. Edit the /usr/share/wazuh-dashboard/data/wazuh/config/wazuh.yml file located in the Wazuh dashboard node and replace the url value with the IP address or hostname of the Wazuh server master node:

      - default:
          url: https://<EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>
          port: 55000
          username: wazuh-wui
          password: <WAZUH_WUI_PASSWORD>
          run_as: false
  7. Edit the Wazuh server configuration file at /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf to enable cluster mode:


    The configurable fields in the above section of the var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf file are as follows:

    • name indicates the name of the cluster.

    • node_name indicates the name of the current node. Replace <EXISTING_WAZUH_SERVER_NODE_NAME> with name as specified in the /root/config.yml file.

    • node_type specifies the role of the node. It has to be set to master.

    • key represents a key used to encrypt communication between cluster nodes. It should be the same on all the server nodes. To generate a unique key you can use the command openssl rand -hex 16.

    • port indicates the destination port for cluster communication. Leave the default as 1516.

    • bind_addr is the network IP to which the node is bound to listen for incoming requests ( means the node will use any IP).

    • nodes is the address of the master node and can be either an IP or a DNS hostname. This parameter must be specified in all nodes, including the master itself. Replace <MASTER_NODE_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your master node.

    • hidden shows or hides the cluster information in the generated alerts.

    • disabled indicates whether the node is enabled or disabled in the cluster. This option must be set to no.

  8. Run the following commands on your respective nodes to apply the changes

    • Wazuh indexer node

      # systemctl restart wazuh-indexer
    • Wazuh server node(s)

      # systemctl restart filebeat
      # systemctl restart wazuh-manager
    • Wazuh dashboard node

      # systemctl restart wazuh-dashboard