Wazuh agent connection

This section highlights different methods to verify the connection status between a Wazuh agent and the Wazuh manager. It also discusses how to check the Wazuh agent connnection to the Wazuh manager and verify the synchronization status of the Wazuh agent. These sections are outlined below:

Checking connection with the Wazuh manager

There are different ways to check the connection status between a Wazuh agent and the Wazuh manager. They include navigating the Wazuh dashboard, using the Wazuh agent control utility, querying the Wazuh server API, and reading the Wazuh agent state file. This guide highlights the different methods and contains steps to verify the network communication between a Wazuh agent and the Wazuh manager.

Using the Wazuh dashboard

You can check the connection status of a Wazuh agent by selecting Summary under Agents management on the Wazuh dashboard.

Wazuh dashboard – Agents management summary menu option

This option displays the Endpoints dashboard with a list of all enrolled Wazuh agents. The list includes the connection status of each Wazuh agent. The Wazuh dashboard also displays a summary with the number of Wazuh agents found for each possible agent connection status: Active, Disconnected, Pending, or Never connected.

Agents management summary dashboard

Using the agent_control utility from the server

You can check the status of a Wazuh agent remotely by using the agent_control utility present on the Wazuh server. To get the Wazuh agent status, run the following command and replace the <WAZUH_AGENT_ID> parameter with your Wazuh agent ID, for example, 001.

# /var/ossec/bin/agent_control -i <WAZUH_AGENT_ID> | grep Status
Status:     Active

To list all the available Wazuh agents and their status, use the command /var/ossec/bin/agent_control -l. Output

Wazuh agent_control. List of available agents:
   ID: 000, Name: vpc-ossec-manager (server), IP:, Active/Local
   ID: 1040, Name: ip-10-0-0-76, IP:, Active
   ID: 003, Name: vpc-agent-debian, IP:, Active
   ID: 005, Name: vpc-agent-ubuntu-public, IP:, Active
   ID: 006, Name: vpc-agent-windows, IP:, Active
   ID: 1024, Name: ip-10-0-0-252, IP:, Never connected
   ID: 1028, Name: vpc-debian-it, IP: any, Never connected
   ID: 1030, Name: diamorphine-POC, IP:, Active
   ID: 015, Name: vpc-agent-centos, IP:, Active
   ID: 1031, Name: WIN-UENN0U6R5SF, IP:, Never connected
   ID: 1032, Name: vpc-agent-ubuntu, IP:, Active
   ID: 1033, Name: vpc-agent-debian8, IP:, Active
   ID: 1034, Name: vpc-agent-redhat, IP:, Active
   ID: 1035, Name: vpc-agent-centos7, IP:, Never connected
   ID: 1041, Name: vpc-agent-centos-public, IP:, Active

List of agentless devices:
   ID: 010, Name: agentless-ubuntu, IP:, Active

Using the Wazuh server API

You can check the status of a Wazuh agent by sending a request to the Wazuh server API to retrieve statistical information from an agent. This action is performed on the Wazuh server.

GET /agents/<WAZUH_AGENT_ID>/stats/agent
  "data": {
     "affected_items": [
     "status": "connected",
     "last_keepalive": "2024-02-14T10:08:36Z",
     "last_ack": "2024-02-14T10:08:39Z",
     "msg_count": 3984,
     "msg_sent": 4191,
     "msg_buffer": 0,
     "buffer_enabled": true
     "total_affected_items": 1,
     "total_failed_items": 0,
     "failed_items": []
  "message": "Statistical information for each agent was successfully read",
  "error": 0

Reading the local wazuh-agentd.state file

You can read the /var/ossec/var/run/wazuh-agentd.state file found in the endpoint to check the status of the connection. The Wazuh agent keeps reporting its connection status in this file as follows:

  • pending: Waiting for acknowledgment from the Wazuh manager about the connection established.

  • disconnected: No acknowledgment signal received in the last 60 seconds or lost connection.

  • connected: Acknowledgment about the connection established received from the Wazuh manager.

To check the current status and verify the connection of the Wazuh agent to the Wazuh manager, run the following command on the endpoint:

$ sudo grep ^status /var/ossec/var/run/wazuh-agentd.state

Checking network communication

Agent communication with the Wazuh manager requires outbound connectivity from the Wazuh agent to the Wazuh manager. It uses the port 1514/TCP by default.

Run the following commands on the Wazuh agent to verify if a connection to the Wazuh manager is established. The result should match the Wazuh agent and Wazuh manager IP addresses.

# netstat -vatunp|grep wazuh-agentd
tcp            0       0      ESTABLISHED 4415/wazuh-agentd

Search for errors or warnings in the corresponding agent log files for troubleshooting purposes.

  • Linux/Unix: /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\ossec.log

  • macOS: /Library/Ossec/logs/ossec.log

To learn more, see the troubleshooting section.

Checking the synchronization status of Wazuh agents group configuration

Synchronization ensures the Wazuh agent has the latest security configurations and data for consistent monitoring. To check the synchronization status of the group configuration for agents, you can use the /var/ossec/bin/agent_groups tool or the GET /agents Wazuh server API endpoint.

Using the agent_groups tool

Run the command below on the Wazuh server:

# /var/ossec/bin/agent_groups -S -i 001
Agent '001' is synchronized.

For the other capabilities of the /var/ossec/bin/agent_groups tool, refer to the reference section.

Using the GET /agents Wazuh server API endpoint

Run the command below on the Wazuh server or any endpoint that has connectivity with the Wazuh server. Replace <WAZUH_MANAGER_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address or FQDN of the Wazuh server.

# curl -k -X GET "https://<WAZUH_MANAGER_IP_ADDRESS>:55000/agents?agents_list=001&select=group_config_status&pretty=true" -H  "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
   "data": {
      "affected_items": [
            "group_config_status": "synced",
            "id": "001"
      "total_affected_items": 1,
      "total_failed_items": 0,
      "failed_items": []
   "message": "All selected agents information was returned",
   "error": 0

Refer to the following documentation for other information on the Wazuh server API.