Testing the cluster

Now that the installation and configuration are completed, you can proceed with testing your cluster to ensure that the new Wazuh server node has been connected. Two possible ways of doing this:

Using the cluster control tool

Verify that the Wazuh server cluster is enabled and all the nodes are connected by executing the following command on any of the Wazuh server nodes:

# /var/ossec/bin/cluster_control -l

A sample output of the command:

wazuh-server-1   master  4.8.0
wazuh-server-2   worker  4.8.0

Note that, are example IP addresses.

Using the Wazuh API console

You can also check your new Wazuh server cluster by using the Wazuh API Console accessible via the Wazuh dashboard.

Access the Wazuh dashboard using the credentials below.


  • Username: admin

  • Password: <ADMIN_PASSWORD> or admin in case you already have a distributed architecture and using the default password.

Navigate to Tools and select API Console. On the console, run the query below:

GET /cluster/healthcheck
Running query in the API console

This query will display the global status of your Wazuh server cluster with the following information for each node:

  • Name indicates the name of the server node

  • Type indicates the role assigned to a node(Master or Worker)

  • Version indicates the version of the Wazuh-manager service running on the node

  • IP is the IP address of the node

  • n_active_agents indicates the number of active agents connected to the node

Having completed these steps, the Wazuh infrastructure has been successfully scaled up, and the new server nodes have been integrated into the cluster.

If you want to uninstall the Wazuh server, see Uninstall the Wazuh server documentation.