Dynamic fields

Dynamic fields are additional fields extracted from log data during the decoding process. Unlike predefined fields, dynamic fields are not limited in number and can vary depending on the content of the log message. These fields capture specific information from logs, enriching the data available for analysis and detection.

Traditional decoders

Traditionally, Wazuh offers thirteen predefined fields for storing extracted information: user, srcip, dstip, srcport, dstport, protocol, action, id, url, data, extra_data, status, and system_name. These are also referred to as “static fields”. However, only eight fields can be extracted simultaneously. This limitation arises because in certain scenarios where log entries contain multiple types of information, Wazuh prioritizes the extraction of specific fields over others. As a result, only eight out of the thirteen fields can be populated simultaneously to manage resource constraints and maintain efficiency in log processing. The prioritized fields in such cases are typically: user, srcip, dstip, srcport, dstport, protocol, action and id.

You can find below an example decoder to match some static fields:

<decoder name="web-accesslog">
  <prematch>^\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+ - </prematch>
  <regex>^(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+) - \S+ [\S+ -\d+] </regex>
  <regex>"\w+ (\S+) HTTP\S+ (\d+) </regex>

Dynamic decoders

It is often necessary to extract more than eight relevant fields from an event, and often the actual data items extracted have no relationship to the limited list of predefined field names. Recognizing the limitations of operating within these constraints, unlimited number of fields with names that accurately reflect the extracted data. This enhancement includes support for nested field names as well.

You can find below an example decoder to match some dynamic fields:

<decoder name="auditd-config_change">
  <regex offset="after_regex">^auid=(\S+) ses=(\S+) op="(\.+)"</regex>

Wazuh transforms any field name included in the <order> tag into a JSON field.

The following example shows how the /var/ossec/ruleset/decoders/0040-auditd_decoders.xml decoder extracts information from an alert:


** Alert 1486483073.60589: - audit,audit_configuration,
2017 Feb 07 15:57:53 wazuh-example->/var/log/audit/audit.log
Rule: 80705 (level 3) -> 'Auditd: Configuration changed'
type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1486483072.194:20): auid=0 ses=6 op="add rule" key="audit-wazuh-a" list=4 res=1
audit.type: CONFIG_CHANGE
audit.id: 20
audit.auid: 0
audit.session: 6
audit.op: add rule
audit.key: audit
audit.list: 4
audit.res: 1

JSON output

  "rule": {
    "level": 3,
    "description": "Auditd: Configuration changed",
    "id": 80705,
    "firedtimes": 2,
    "groups": [
  "agent": {
    "id": "000",
    "name": "wazuh-example"
  "manager": {
    "name": "wazuh-example"
  "full_log": "type=CONFIG_CHANGE msg=audit(1486483072.194:20): auid=0 ses=6 op=\"add rule\" key=\"audit-wazuh-a\" list=4 res=1",
  "audit": {
    "type": "CONFIG_CHANGE",
    "id": "20",
    "auid": "0",
    "session": "6",
    "op": "add rule",
    "key": "audit",
    "list": "4",
    "res": "1"
  "decoder": {
    "parent": "auditd",
    "name": "auditd"
  "timestamp": "2017 Feb 07 15:57:53",
  "location": "/var/log/audit/audit.log"

By default, the maximum number of fields that can be extracted simultaneously from an <order> tag is 64. You can modify the analysisd.decoder_order_size variable in the /var/ossec/etc/internal_options.conf file to adjust this value.

If you need to change this value, copy the analysisd.decoder_order_size section from /var/ossec/etc/internal_options.conf to /var/ossec/etc/local_internal_options.conf and make the necessary changes there. This precaution is necessary because Wazuh upgrades overwrite the /var/ossec/etc/internal_options.conf file.