Installing a custom WPK

Follow the steps below to upgrade a Wazuh agent using a custom WPK file in a WPK repository:

  1. Install the root CA into the Wazuh agent. The root CA certificate or the certificate used to sign the WPK package must be installed in the Wazuh agent before an upgrade.

    You have two options to perform this action:

    • Add a new certificate by editing the ossec.conf file:

    • Overwrite the shipped root CA with your certificate.


      Overwriting the shipped root CA will prevent your agent from upgrading using WPK packages from the Wazuh manager.

      # cp /<PATH_TO>/certificate <PATH_TO>/wpk_root.pem

      Location of /wpk_root.pem on the monitored endpoint:

      • Linux/Unix endpoints - /var/ossec/etc/wpk_root.pem

      • macOS endpoint - /Library/Ossec/etc/wpk_root.pem

      • Windows endpoints:

        • C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\wpk_root.pem for 64-bit systems

        • C:\Program Files\ossec-agent\wpk_root.pem for 32-bit systems.

  2. Initiate the upgrade by running this command on the Wazuh server:

    # /var/ossec/bin/agent_upgrade -a 001 -f <PATH_TO>/myagent.wpk -x


    • -a 001 specifies the agent to upgrade.

    • -f <PATH_TO>/myagent.wpk designates the path to the WPK package.

    • -x is the name of the upgrading script contained in the package.


    To upgrade a Windows agent, you must use upgrade.bat instead of

    Upgraded agents:
        Agent 001 upgraded: Wazuh v4.7.2 -> Wazuh v4.8.0